Triple Curve Writing and Editing Jobs

If you're a freelance writer, editor, or copywriter, then you may be familiar with Triple Curve. While this company is not that old, it does employ a good number of writers and editors. Like other freelance writing opportunities, Triple Curve allows people to work remotely. You just need a computer and Internet access. The question is, how much is your time worth?

Like many freelance writing businesses, Triple Curve makes a lot of promises. I recently spotted a few job posts for this company, so I decided to apply for an editing position. In order to apply, you have to revise an article Triple Curve provides. Note that this article is literally in shambles, and appears to have been crafted by a six-year-old. Regardless, I spent 30 minutes revising the article, and submitted my finished product. 

A few days later I was informed that I could now edit for Triple Curve Enterprise Content. I thought to myself, cool, this might be a little extra income on the side. Soon enough, I was sent an email that informed me I could edit brief blurbs or descriptions. I was to take a look at each one, and decide if it should be approved or not approved. For each one I approved, I would be paid 2 cents. You heard right, 2 cents.

Okay, I'm not sure how valuable your time is, but my time is money, and there is no way I am taking the time to read through and approve 50 blurbs for a whopping $1. This is absolutely absurd, and furthermore, this is America, not a third-world country. Needless to say, I'm not wasting any time on a content mill like Triple Curve Enterprise Content. 

Before you make any rash decisions regarding freelance writing jobs, online editing positions, and SEO content writing, remember that your time is valuable as well. Moreover, you will make more money at a minimum wage job than you will at a content mill like Triple Curve. This is something to think about. Especially if you have real bills to pay. 

There are plenty of clients out there who will pay a solid wage for your expertise. Seek them out. Although it can take a little time, it's well worth it. Just to give you an idea, I just spotted a freelance writing post for 500-word automotive articles that pay $250 each. If you have automotive experience and know your way around an engine, this is a good opportunity for you. There are countless clients out there that need daily blog posts, SEO content to build traffic to their websites, and businesses that need a copywriter with marketing expertise. 

The moral of the story is, don't sell yourself short. Find real writing jobs that pay a living wage. This will help build your resume and refine your writing skills. Here is a good place to start


Anonymous said...

Do not work for Triple Curve! Trust me, this is not a good freelance writing job. Talk about working for next to nothing. Triple Curve will have you creating all kinds of content, and they will literally pay you pennies for all of your time and effort. It's just depressing. I have no idea what these "writing businesses" are doing these days, but give me a break. I don't live in a third-world country. Just my thoughts. Sara

Andrew said...

Hi Sara, I hear that! Triple Curve is one of the many "content mills" out there. Kind of like Demand Studios. They will have you crafting extensive articles, and then they will pay you a low flat rate. In other words, you send about two hours writing a single piece, and you receive a whopping $13. It really is sad. I don't know where these content mill companies come from, but they really aren't worth the long hours and headaches. You are better off marketing yourself, and finding real clients that pay real wages.

akhilesh kumar said...

Nowadays finding a job for content writer profile becomes a cup of tea just because of the online job portals. Here you can get the multiple job openings in the content writing whether you are a fresher or an experienced.