10 Day Cash Secret Offer

There's a product floating around cyberspace this month called "10 Day Cash Secret." As with most "guru" pitches, I was quite leery of this "money-making software." However, I finally caved in on March 9th and purchased a copy of 10 Day Cash Secret for $99. I figured if I could at least learn a few things about affiliate marketing and creating websites, I would break even.

The 10 Day Cash Secret information will show you how to whip out an awesome affiliate website in 51 minutes. NOT! Well, at least not in my case. I chose to pick a skin care datafeed, which I applied to my new website, antiwrinkleskinproducts.com. After about a week of manipulating the product data feed, I was finally able to upload it into my Wordpress software. While the website is up and running now, it was certainly not a cinch for me. So if you're new to creating websites and manipulating datafeeds, you may have the same experience.

So, if you're considering 10 Day Cash Secret, let me give you a quick rundown of what I know. You'll need to spend 5-10 dollars a month on a good web host, if you don't already have one; another 6-10 bucks a year on a domain name; $99 on 10 Day Cash Secret; some substantial frustration with data feeds; and possibly some time finding an actual datafeed.

If you have any questions about 10 Day Cash Secret, or want to know more about affiliate programs, datafeeds, the web host I chose or getting 10 Day Cash Secret to work, I might be able to help you. At this point my website has only had 7 original visitors and 12 of the site's pages are indexed in Google that I know of. Whether or not 10 Day Cash Secret is a money-maker remains to be seen. However, I did learn quite a bit from listening to Neil Shearing's videos. I do believe he knows a great deal about making money online. Drop me a question if you have one!


Andrew said...

Okay folks, so yesterday would have been my 10th day after getting my website up and running. I have not made any sales yet. To be completely honest, I didn't really expect to. However, that doesn't mean I won't make any in the future with anti wrinkle skin products . As with any website or blog, you should give it some time. I did notice that 17 of my pages are now indexed with Google, which is a step in the right direction. I'll keep you posted!

Anonymous said...

This is a very intriguing program, I must admit. I spotted it a few days ago and became very curious. Please do keep us updated on how your website does. I am on the fnece a bit, but may go ahead and spend the 99 bucks. Thanks for the info!

Greg P

Andrew said...

I agree that it is an intriguing program Greg. Who doesn't want to earn more money through affiliate sales. 10 Day Cash Secret is a good way to get some general knowledge about constructing a website and getting it started. You also learn more about datafeeds, which is cool.

Andrew said...

Okay, so I haven't seen any commissions from this 10 day Cash Secret website experiment yet. Hmm, I must say that it's not looking too swell. My website is receiving very little traffic and the overall content on the site is fairly minimal. This was probably my greatest concern from the beginning. It's not just the minimal content from the datafeeds that I'm referring to, but also the lack of new quality content. At this point I may decide to add some real content to the website in order to get it ranked better. Neil Shearing claims in the videos that you don't have to do this, but rather merely add a news feed to the site. I'm not so sure about this...

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this program. I read the sales page and it definitelt sounds intriguing. I'm not so sure I want to fork out the 99 bucks though. Can anyone make me any guarantees? ;) I like to make my money online without actually spending any. LOL

Anonymous said...

These days one can build content really fast, the issue is traffic. I am curious to see how it goes. If it works and you offer honest assessments, I'll happily purchase subsequent products you promote via your aff. links

have you thought of throwing some plr articles into the mix to get more traffic?

Andrew said...

I hear ya! The only guarantee you really get is the 30-day money-back. If 10 day Cash Secrets fails to meet your expectations, you can always request that 99 dollars back before the 30 days are up, which is not too bad really.

Andrew said...

I have considered tossing in some PLR articles, or probably just writing my own. This is always a good idea to boost traffic. Good content and great keywords can get the job done. Okay, as far as 10 Day Cash Secret goes, I can't say that I recommend it at this point. Well, not if you actually plan to earn in 10 days. I would assume that there's much less competition for affiliate websites in the UK in comparison to here in the states. We have a population of about 300 million, which likely means a lot more web publishers and bloggers to vie with. 10 Day Cash Secret is a pretty cool idea, but from where I'm standing, my affiliate site with the datafeed simply did not receive enough traffic. So I have to come to the conclusion that it's not nearly as effective as stated by Neil Shearing. I have yet to make any sales. I hope this blog helps others decide what's best for them.

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