Blogging Tips for Traffic

The quality of your blogs versus the quantity of your blogs is a common topic of discussion amongst web publishers. So what should you do? Create oodles and oodles of blogs and web pages with several niches or should you focus more attention on a few high quality blogs and websites? This is a bit tricky! Maybe you should do both!

Obviously you need to create quality content web pages and blogs if you plan on anyone sticking around to read them, or coming back for that matter. A bunch of text with good key words alone isn't going to do the trick alone. That's why you need to create quality, unique web pages and blogs that actually teach people something substantial. Useless content loaded with keywords just looks like spam. If you teach them, they will come back!

But what about quantity? Well, the game of blogging is not solely about quality content. Quantity does play a part as well. You can't actually think that 5 quality blogs are better than 50 quality blogs. It's a numbers game as well as a game of unique, quality content. The more great web pages in circulation, the more likely you are to make money on the Internet. That is, if you're linking them and getting great links to them. Once you've linked your quality blogs and web pages together for the reader's convenience, you will likely get more traffic circulating.

In the end, the game of web publishing and blogging can prove tedious and difficult just like anything else. It is work! However, if you keep building great web pages and writing unique and insightful blogs, you will get more traffic. So, in my humble opinion, I believe blogging is a game of quality and quantity.


Anonymous said...

These really are GREAT tips Clint. I will certainly give you a thumbs up! Any new bloggers that stumble across this post should really pay close attention to what he's saying. Earning real residual income with blogging is NOT an overnight venture.

Andrew said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I agree with you that it's not an overnight thing. If you've started your own blog, you must keep at it regularly and keep readers coming back for more. Give your audience free and useful information and they will return.